My a’th Kar simply translated means, “I love you, ” used as a salutation, it infuses every meeting with a profound sense of respect.

My a’th Kar comes from practicing klewes (deep listening). It is a profound sense of hearing, more than just listening, klewes is a profound sense of being aware of human and non-human meetings and collaborations.

My a’th Kar productions celebrate the transformative power of philosophy, by focusing on community cohesion, through a combination of listening, hearing (klewes), and responding with grassroots workshops, visceral performances, and events.

My a’th Kar was started by Tristan Verran (bardh Sowsneker hag Kernowek) in the UK, and has since gone on to work with a number of artists, musicians, producers, and performers as well as regional, national and international groups and organizations.

My a’th Kar is a philosophy of kindness.